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Get Vintage Doom Drums for $19!
( Original price $49 )
Drum Sound of 1970's Doom Metal & Rock at the tip of your fingers!
Vintage Doom Drums gives you access to Drum tones of the 1970's Doom Metal, Rock & Jazz.
Hard-hitting library with a vintage feel. Small yet ethereal room sound, calfskin heads, 100-year old snares, big diameter cymbals.
Shape it anyway you like, enhance it anyway you like.
VST/VST3/AU/AAX Plugin formats available. 64-bit system required.
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Drum Sound of 1970's Doom Metal & Rock at the tip of your fingers!
Vintage Doom Drums gives you access to Drum tones of the 1970's Doom Metal, Rock & Jazz.
Hard-hitting library with a vintage feel.
Small yet ethereal room sound, calfskin heads, 100-year old snares, big diameter cymbals.
Shape it anyway you like, enhance it anyway you like.
We spent hours crafting these presets to give you the best possible starting point per genre & style. Flick through and see which style suits your song the best!
Preset list:
- 1974BlackMetal
- FunkyDoom
- JazzyDoom
- ModernDoom
- TightDryStudio
- VintageDoom

The Kit:
Tama© Artstar II 24x16
Ludwig© 1925 Marching Snare 14x14
Max Wintrich© 1922 Chrome Over Brass 14x5
Pearl© Sensitone Steel 14x5.5
RCI© Vistalite 14x5
Rogers© Dynasonic 14x5
Slingerland© Radio King Gene Krupa 14x7
Tama© Artstar II 10x10
Tama© Artstar II 12x11
Tama© Artstar II 14x13
Tama© Artstar II 16x16
Tama© Artstar II 18x16
Zildjian© Avedis 16
Zildjian© Avedis 21
Paiste© 2002 Crash 20
Paiste© Big Beat 22
Thomann© China 24
Arborea© Knight 18
Zultan© Dark Matter 10
Zultan© Dark Matter 12
Arborea© Knight 18 + Knight 14 Hihat
- Ugritone Drums VST/AU/AAX Player Plugin
- Installer for Ugritone Drums + Sample Data
- VST/AU/AAX Compatible
- 6 Snares, 2 Kicks, 1 Full Set of Toms, 10 cymbals (Hihat, Crashes, Chinas, Splashes, Stacks, Ride)
- ~443 Mb Download Size
- Drums Engineered by: Ron D. Rock @ New Soundstakk Studios, Windsor, ON
- Drums Performed by: Ron D. Rock